
Our dance, no song

Even though I'd be willing to do some funky dance for our first dance, Mr.Flamingo isn't that type of person. Its OK really... and to be honest he's not the best dancer out there . If he would try a little he'd be good, but when a guy doesn't want...ladies... you don't force them.

Our first dance song choice has been a debate for the longest time, but being almost a month away from the wedding, I think its time to make a decision. I wanted to use "Our Song." I truly love it and honestly it would have so much more meaning if we dance to it on our wedding day. Its not a popular song and that's what I love about it. I'm really into unique song choices and our song : Lifehouse - Take me away (acoustic version) is just that.

Everyone who has heard of the song has loved it. The issue: Mr.Flamingo doesn't seem to want to dance to that song. He says that the song is too slow and too long. Its true but still... its our song! I've tried to find other options but I don't seem to LOVE anything. Any suggestions for unique love song?

Are you dancing to your song or are you opting for a more popular choice?

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