
For a superhero

If Mr.Flamingo could fly and have all the superpowers like Superman... he would be the happiness man alive (ya - even happier than getting married to me - I'm serious :) ) His bond with superman is unbreakable... so I have to play Lois Lane once in a while. lol

Well, today is Mr.Flamingo's 30th birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweetheart! Though he may feel old because hes no longer in the "twenties" he still young at heart. I thought for this special occasion I would share with you an image of him at his finest (hope he doesnt see this - hes going to kill me)

(Mr.Flamingo at only 6 months old - and already a superman fan)

Its certain that the wedding process could not go by without some superman element incorporated somewhere. Both him and his best man will have a pair of these official superman cuff links and I've never seen 2 grown up men this excited before. (doesn't take much - really)

I'm also planning on making him a superman garter (shhh don't say it too loud - its a surprise) and will most probably put the actual superman theme song when he goes to get it. It will be really funny and I'm pretty sure he will be happy.

Is your fiancé a superhero freak?
Will you be incorporating certain elements in your wedding.

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