
Lip love : L'Oreal Infaillible

If there is one thing I dislike, it's applying and reapplying lip gloss or lipstick. On a day to day basis, I can deal... but on the most important day of my life... I don't want to waste time reapplying. I mean, my photographer will be taking shots here and there when I least expect it, and my lips need to look beautiful at all times.

I heard through the grapevine that there was one gloss that was the bomb-diggity. I needed to test it out for myself so this weekend I when to the pharmacy/drugstore to test the product. I was pleasantly surprised. It worked and I like it. This gloss is L'Oreal Infaillible never fail lip gloss.

The name says it all... it never fails to stay on. I put in on in the morning, and after lunch I still had it on. Not as much as I had when I first put it on... but still my lips were shining.

Because this is a new product there are only 8 shades available, but I am certain that you will find one that pleases you. Test them all out if you'd like and because its a gloss, there is a transparency and sheen resulting in a more natural look.

via L'Oreal

This is a lip gloss, so there is still the sticky feeling when you are wearing it. I personally like that sticky feeling because it proves I still have some on... though Mr. Flamingo isn't too fond of it....

For those who don't like lip glosses there the lipstick version with a built in mirror. It's L'Oreal Infaillible never fail lip color. I heard it was awesome too... but I haven't tried it yet. Its the next thing on my list.

What lipstick/lip gloss are you wearing for the big day? Is it the long lasting type?

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