
Some bits and pieces

Hey Everyone! I'm Back... well I wasn't really gone, but I've been sick for the past 7 days. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to blog - but my lack of energy didn't help me very much so I stayed in bed instead. NOW I'm back... I know you are all so very excited =)

A while back, I had chosen to redo our wedding website because I didn't find that our previous website design matched the theme and colors of our upcoming nuptials. I really wanted to get the design done before I sent out the invitations, otherwise it would defeat the whole purpose, right?.

First off, I would like to Thank everyone for your input on our banner.

Option A was the big big winner. I also took into consideration what some of yous had mentionned regarding the title. I added the "our" in front of wedding. That way there would be no confusion with the word mariage (which is french for wedding) (click images to enlarge)

Here is the background pattern of my website. As you can tell, its the same design as my invitation pattern. As for the buttons for each section of the website, I went for something vintage looking. Since my website is bilingual, I had to find a way to make both languages look pretty.

It's a pretty basic website. Nothing very quicky or funny about it really, but I made sure to mention our wedding theme. Not that my guests will be the type to play dress up, I still want to put the message out there. You never know... you never know...

I really wanted to have a guestbook on my blogger / website. I find it a great idea to have people leave comments here and there and when I switched design I thought I would not be able to have one. After endless amounts of searching on the web and signing up with ten million websites - I found that the Shoutbox from Shoutmix was the best option.

Its very user friendly and I loved the fact that it can be customized. I like things to be all matchy matchy, and I didnt envision a bright pink and black box on my page. I really recommend shoutmix for everyone who wants to have a guestbook. I found that all the other website would link to another page to view the entries... with this, no nagivation to other websites required. Its all there... and I love that!

Im really happy with the overall look of the website and so is Mr.F. I just hope my guests will appreciated it.
Have you ever tried adding a guestbook to your blogger website?

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