
The Proposal

Ever since I was a little girl, I envision the perfect proposal done by my prince charming. I thought that the question might be asked with the typical down on one knee, diamond ring in the champagne glass or something a little more creative like announcing it on the monitor at a Habs game. All these options would of been an excellent choice and I would of been extremely happy regardless...

Almost three years ago, after we came home from a family party on Christmas Eve, we decided to open our gifts at the stroke of midnight. Why the stroke of midnight? obviously for the whole "magic" aspect of Christmas, and because it was our first real Christmas together. We started dating 2 weeks prior to the 25th of the previous year, so in my eyes it didn't really count as the first Christmas together.

After opening all our presents, I noticed there was a little red and gold box left. I was completely clueless of what was about to happen. My sweetie grabbed the box and then proposed to me, and of course I accepted. But nope, there was no getting down on one knee, no champagne to celebrate, nothing. At the moment I was ecstatic about the whole idea of getting married, but at the same time I was a little disappointed that the proposal wasn't near what I had imagined it would be.

My ring looks something like this ; diamonds are a little smaller.

I found out later on that M.Flamingo asked my father for his permission first before proposing. I thought that was a nice gesture of his part and by doing that he definitely gained points in the whole proposal thing. The ring was exactly what I wanted, so his good taste deserved some points too. Now, we simply laugh about the whole thing... but who knows, maybe he'll make up by proposing the real way when we renew our vows. We will know only in 5 years from now.

I was wondering if any of yous have had any disappointing proposals? If so, I would love to hear about it. I just hope I'm not the only one.

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