
How the flamingos met

In my introductory post, I pretty much talked about why M. Flamingo and I considered ourselves to be the pink, one legged (majority of the time) long beak bird. But before I continue, I just wanted to point out that I am the first Montreal Bee. Happy to be representing! =)

The flamingos in Virginia beach 2007.

So now its time to meet the flamingos:
During my graphic design studies, I worked as a part time cashier at a modern furniture store. I often saw people come in give their CV and leave right after. But this day was different. This guy came in, gave his CV but didn't want to leave. He wanted to meet the big boss and wanted an interview on the spot. Talk about being sure of yourself. Either way, I called the manager at the time, and I don't know how he did it, but he was hired! Oh and this is M. Flamingo by the way.

As soon as he started he was on my back. For a good 8 months, day after day he would ask me to go to the movies with him and I every time I would decline his offer... I didn't really like M.Flamingo at the time, actually he even drove me nuts. He was all talk and no show and I didn't like guys like that... Not to mean but he didn't interest me.

One night during the week in October, I was working until 9 pm. It was a cold rainy night and I felt like going to the movies after my work shift... I called all my friends but no one was available to go. So when M. Flamingo made his daily pit-stop at my cash, I mentioned that I felt like seeing a movie and that no one could make it. Not even considering what I had just said, he left. Soon enough he came back and offered to go with me. At that moment, I said to myself why not give it a try and at the same time, he would stop inviting me.

There was a rule though when it came to watching movies. I would only watch the movie in its original soundtrack (majority being English) and M. Flamingo (speaks french). He was fine with my famous rule but asked me if he could choose the movie. I was willing to compromise a little so I was okay with that... if only I knew. We went to the movie theater, M.Flamingo bought the tickets and when I looked down, I read: Chainsaw Massacre! Talk about a first movie.

After that night, regardless of our first movie attempt, we kept on going to see movies. I started to know the real M. Flamingo; a sweet kind, good-hearted person - not the all show, I know everything guy I got to know at work. We kept seeing each other for over 2 months and we officially started dating: in December 2003. That's how our story began... Who knew I would marry the guy who a couple of years back couldn't stand being next to... isn't it odd, how things happen?


Liene Stevens said...

cute story! congrats on being a bee! :)

perfect bound said...

Thanks for adding PB to your blog roll. And for sharing your lovely story!