
Le deroulement....

I have a confession to make. I'm not having any decoration at the church. Yes yes, I'm serious. I thought that since were going to be there a whole 45 minutes, I rather spend the money on other decoration items for my reception site. That being said, I still thought that my guests should have a little something - theme-ish at the ceremony.

Programs have always been a stationery item I loved... Not only are they really pretty, but they can be personalized and they serve as information/memento for your guests. Seriously I've spend hours looking for neat ideas for our program.

Here are some of the few I've collected:

Left to right: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

It wasn't until I read one of Mrs.Lovebugs post that it hit me. Telegram baby!!! So I am happy to present my (french) wedding program.

I've used real elements of Telegrams that I found on Retro-Gram and re-created something that was just right. I used Photoshop to modify the original telegram and I was lucky to have found one of the fonts used in the original piece. I'm really happy of the outcome of my programs. Straight to the point... well that's what a telegram is right?

Did you opt for a unique program?

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